Sunday, November 3, 2013

Bound - By Marina Anderson -- A Big Dissappointment In A VERY Little Book.


by Marina Anderson

I felt like someone jumped off a cliff and was suspended in mid air. There is no resolution unless you buy the next "book".....Uuugh! 

This book is what I would call a "teaser" or "come on".  It gets you started  into a story and then leaves you hanging unless you buy the next book.  The problem with this particular teaser is that even though it is 35 pages long, it's content is so little that it isn't even enough to really get you to where a full teaser would stop.  It wasn't enough story tin this "book" to get me interested enough to pay the money for the next  REAL book (which I admit I have done in the past and been quite satisfied with the  teaser and the book I purchased.)     In this case, I it was more like someone giving you food and letting you chew for 2 seconds then telling you to stop.  I didn't really get enough from this quick read to be able to tell if it was good or not.  So I guess my review is to tell you...I just don't know enough about this book to give a real opinion one way or another.  Unfortunately for the author this means that I won't be spending my hard earned book money to find out whether the next "book" will have enough pages so I can get a real taste of this author's writing ability.

I can only use this opportunity to let publishers and authors a message.  While I understand the marketing principle that leads sellers to offer these "teaser" novellas, there is a great risk involved in them too if they are not done correctly.  ( I would say that only 1 out of 3 really is done well enough not to have negative effects.  I cannot tell you how many customer reviews I have read by angry readers who feel you have cheated them and wasted their time.   These reviews and comments can hurt you much more than the few dollars and small amount of mercy good reviews that some will leave. 

This This  book should have been labeled a novella  and their should be disclaimers in the description about how many pages it is and the book it leads to.  Unfortunately the way it is currently presented will be  loosing potential fans and discrediting the authors other books which may be longer and quite good.   It's sad many readers will write the author off and won't bother to find the real books you may write.  You may have gotten much more positive press and future sales if you simply gave it away for free. Even though I received a complimentary copy of this book, I still was angry because I felt like it was a waste of my time.  I can only imagine how much more angry I would have been if I had spent my "book money" that I have to scrape out of our families  budget.

My Review Scores:

Story  * (1 out of 5 Stars)
Heat Index         (0 out of 5 Starts)
Overall Rating * (1 Star)

(Yes- it's hard to believe but scores like this really happen!!)

About the Author:
Marina Anderson is the pseudonym of British author Margaret Bingley, whose novels have been published all over the world. Margaret uses this pseudonym for her series of erotica novels. She also publishes erotica for women under the pseudonym Fredrica Alleyn.  As of the date of this review, I couldn't find her web site, however her books are published by Forever; a  romance publishing division of Grand Central Publishing.  If you click this link, I'm sure you can find more information about her and the books she has written.

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